4、让步句式的使用:无论什么样的情况下However whatever等等. 还有一种Cogent as this response is, it has some minor errors. Somewhat reasonable as the issue presents, it does n...
我会点头称是,表现出对他应有的尊重。我喜欢这个人,但有时从他那儿离开后却不禁会想:天哪,这不过是条脏兮兮的路而已。 在那个浓雾弥漫的清晨,在多年背井离乡之后,我终于要开辟自己的道...
Whether you wanna believe it or not he\\'s here to come 不管你信不信,他每天都会如此 That\\'s the type of guy that I wanna be with 我愿和这样的球员朝夕相处 every single time I\\'m going to war 并肩作战 This guy... 这家伙 he thought I was blowing smoke ...
"Do not make excuses, whether it's your fault or not." 南卡罗来纳州帕里斯岛的海军新兵训练地。图片来源:US Marine Corps “荣誉从来都不会主动送上门来。” "Fame never yet found...